Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I recently read an article called "The Next Pandemic." It talked mostly about the bird flu and the effect it could have on the world. It is horrible to think that something that bad could happen because its damage is supposed to be big. It is a topic that should be dealt with seriously. It is an important topic nonetheless.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Andre Halabu
Professor Gusain
English 1050
18 September 2006

The Day That Still Shakes the World

On September 11, 2001, the U.S. was attacked by a group of terrorists with the sole purpose of destroying the country. That day is still vivid in the minds of those who experienced it. It will probably never be forgotten. Some say the U.S. government was in on it. Others say it was just the terrorists. Either way, that day was bad for the country and for the world. It changed the way people look at things.
The attacks are still in everybody's minds. It is the reason the U.S. is at war now. They say they are fighting the war on terror. Many people don't really understand what that is because all that is happening is that more people are dying from the wars. The terrorists are only growing. It is as if the war did more bad that good. The U.S. has put itself in a bad position in front of the world creating bad ties with other countries.
The Middle East is in chaos. Suicide bombers and militant groups are all over the countries creating a problem for the U.S. The U.S. is having trouble following through on their plans because they are not only dealing with the opposing army. They are also dealing with civilians who decide to take matters into their own hands.
As far as the war goes, it does not seem to be a huge success. No nuclear weapons have been found and it seems like there was no just cause for the war when other more important issues like North Korea's nuclear weapons should have been addressed first. The war was probably not the smartest move because it seemed to divide the people of the U.S. rather that unite them
When talking about how the U.S. has changed since 9/11, one could say that it has changed for the better in some ways. This is mostly because of increased security. Although some people still get through without a thorough check. Many news stations try to find out how hard it is to get by airport security and surprisingly they get past the security with many objects banned from being on an airplane. When I was watching that broadcast, I was stunned at how far we had come and just as quickly how far we went back in security.
It seems that some security personnel are just too lazy to pick out every single person. The thing is that this is what has to happen in order to reduce the threat of another attack. With threats even coming from liquids, it is hard to tell what could happen next. We all want to feel safe wherever we go, but it seems like even though we are getting better in security, there are still too many options for another attack and that makes the population feel unsafe.
When the attacks happened on 9/11, I was in school. I was in 8th grade. Our principal told us about what happened and once we all got home we all watched T.V. to see what was going on. We all couldn't believe it because it didn't seem as if something like this could happen, but it did. It was unexpected for all of us.
After 9/11 many problems erupted in the world. Mainly these problems happened in the Middle East. Such events like the war in Afghanistan and the war in Iraq. Both of which are still being fought and it doesn't seem as if much progress has come from either of them. Israel and Palestine, too, have been caught up in all the fighting and it seemed to get worse between them after 9/11.
The attacks on 9/11 brought about a new sense of thinking to the people of the U.S. They understand now more than they did before how real a possibility of an attack on their country is. This is good in the sense that it in the event of another attack, it will be dealt with more knowledge and preparedness.
One thing that bothers me about this whole situation is the terror alerts. It seems as if those are a joke because they randomly change like the government just wants to scare the people to make them think they know something is going on. I'm not saying the government is guilty of anything.
I feel very bad for the victims of 9/11 and I hope something like that will never happen again. It is horrible to think that something like that could happen again because of what it did to the people of the U.S. It is hard to look at things the same way because it changed the way the country functions.
The problem with security even today is still worrying many people. Even though it is a lot safer than before, it is still uncomfortable because you never know how another attack could happen. You just hope that the security will catch all the people who are going to do something to attack us, but it is not that easy
The government has so much to worry about. It is dealing with war, debt, a frustrated and somewhat divided people, a so called "economic" change, and threats of terrorism. It is tough to deal with all of those. Hopefully soon our security will improve even more and the wars will wear down. These wars will only divide the people of the U.S. more and it is best to stay united if we want a safer country.
Basically, it is safe to say that improvement is its way. The U.S. Security is getting better and it seems like there is still being improvement made in other ways as well. The U.S. was devastated by 9/11 and hopefully we will be able to prevent other future attacks from happening. As long as we try to make these big improvements, the threat of an attack will become smaller and we will finally be able to feel safe again.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

This article (The Detroit News) was interesting. It is not something you hear about everyday. For those who read the article, it's hard to understand how these theories are developed. I guess it just has to do with your opinions on the wars and politics because the percentage of people the article said believed the government was in on 9/11 was more than one-third of Americans. The article, however, states that the suspiciousness of American people of its government is a "tradition that predates the birth of the Republic." The article also states that with how big the tragedy actually was, it would be hard for there to not be suspiciousness on the topic. That day was bad for not only the country, but also the world. It doesn't seem very realistic that the government would do such a thing, but in today's world, you never know what anybody is capable of doing. Many people became afraid and as a result, the airlines lost a lot of money. It doesn't make sense for the government to hurt itself and for what reason? To scare its citizens? The fact of the matter is, the citizens depend on the government to keep them safe and out of harm and to make the country itself better. If the government does not do that, then what does the country become? Better yet, what do the citizens become? Whatever the real scenario is doesn't change the fact that 9/11 was a day in which the people of the U.S. will never forget. It is horrible to think that there is still a threat of more to come.