Sunday, September 10, 2006

This article (The Detroit News) was interesting. It is not something you hear about everyday. For those who read the article, it's hard to understand how these theories are developed. I guess it just has to do with your opinions on the wars and politics because the percentage of people the article said believed the government was in on 9/11 was more than one-third of Americans. The article, however, states that the suspiciousness of American people of its government is a "tradition that predates the birth of the Republic." The article also states that with how big the tragedy actually was, it would be hard for there to not be suspiciousness on the topic. That day was bad for not only the country, but also the world. It doesn't seem very realistic that the government would do such a thing, but in today's world, you never know what anybody is capable of doing. Many people became afraid and as a result, the airlines lost a lot of money. It doesn't make sense for the government to hurt itself and for what reason? To scare its citizens? The fact of the matter is, the citizens depend on the government to keep them safe and out of harm and to make the country itself better. If the government does not do that, then what does the country become? Better yet, what do the citizens become? Whatever the real scenario is doesn't change the fact that 9/11 was a day in which the people of the U.S. will never forget. It is horrible to think that there is still a threat of more to come.


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